Saturday, January 3, 2015

Re: To Those Who Didn’t Make It, Leelah’s Continuing Story to Fix Society

Link to the Article: "To Those Who Didn’t Make It, Leelah’s Continuing Story to Fix Society"

Hi Christopher,

I decided to respond to your response to my blog in the following way. I want to use your words exactly and respond to it so I can’t be seen as misquoting you. Your statements are quoted and next I respond.

“I also posited that if religion was not prominent that the world would be better off and have one less barrier to allowing individuals who identify as transgender to be accepted.”

Since getting rid of religion in your lifetime is unrealistic, why not focus on the more realistic barriers?

“It is still evident that Leelah’s mother and father both still hold their religion over their love for their child.”

This is a logical fallacy. Holding to one’s religion does not exclude love for your child. Religion is a perspective or lens as you put it, through which experience is filtered through. These parents may have seen their response in the context of THEIR kind of Christianity as the way by which they are showing their child love. Unfortunately, their child chose to commit suicide but correlation does not equal causation. That is actually a scientific principle.

“I will accept and promote that her parents failed to truly understand their daughter and learn what it meant to identify as a transgender.”

You can’t be sure because you are a spectator.

“Neither parent used the proper pronouns and refused to acknowledge that their “son” was really their daughter.”

They don’t have to, as they don’t believe it to be the “proper pronouns”.

“this is an issue that we can work towards: helping future generations understand gender issues.“

In my undergraduate studies I had to take a course called “perspectives on gender” which featured a professor that is biologically male, and identifies as female psychologically. I patiently listened through the lectures and took the exams and wrote the papers. Education was readily available and I can respect the perspectives, but ultimately I didn’t buy it. I didn’t buy it, not for religious reasons, I just didn’t buy it because bottom line is; it is a perspective not a science. I don’t have to agree with other perspectives; nobody does.

“While I could spend hours on how religion has enabled these parents to continue to hold their biases…”

You can speculate; but you don’t KNOW what was true for them.

“a proper burial as the woman she was.”

What is a proper burial for the atheist? Would you be offended if anyone suggested to just leaving his body exposed to the elements to decompose? Is that disrespectful? Why? I am fascinated by how an atheist can cling to such ritualistic sentiments. Why do you care?

“As for her funeral, I am at a loss because there is no legal recourse I know of to insist she be buried as a woman.”

And if you did? What right do you have? Did he state in his note that he wanted to be buried as a female?

“My hope was that if enough pressure were put on the parents they would concede or acknowledge their daughter as transgender. “

Pressure? Wow. How are you any better than religion? Good Lord/Science.

“Recently someone showed me the Reddit posts from Leelah.”

Link doesn’t work for me.

“ban transgender conversion therapy”

Why? On what basis? What if someone WANTS that treatment?

“it was a negative attack on transgender individuals from someone who I do not consider an ally for anything but Christianity.”

You may not consider me an “ally” probably because I don’t buy your propaganda, but I actually have a good friend who is transgender and is in process of “re-assignment” procedures. She knows my views, but I still love her, and she says she appreciates that I stay true to my beliefs and don’t dispense with them just because we are friends.

“If you do not wish to read hate speech and ignorance,”

What of my response to you was “hate” and “ignorance”? Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I am ignorant of the issues. What is your education background sir? I probably am less ignorant than you are on the psychological issues. You are probably less ignorant than I on the case study side.

“For those of you that are still with me, let me explain the blog in short. “

They should read my blog themselves. It is a fraction of the length of your post.

“To address the first point, as I stated above, this was not a launching board for anti-theism in any sense.”

The point was not your intention, I was commenting on what it came off as. My words: “I believe that your piece comes off as just another anti-religion hit piece”. After I posted my response I noticed I was not alone in this assessment. In fact, supporters of your general cause noticed the same thing. So, I don’t appreciate being singled out here.

“Religion is a factor in this case and it does play a part in the parents’ choices and (lack of) understanding of transgender issues.”

Sure. To what extent you sir do not know because you are not psychic. Some people use religion only to support their pre-conceived biases.

“Laurence claims to be a Christian and he seems to have the same issues accepting transgender rights as these Christians.”

Don’t lump me in to a group when you don’t know all my views. You don’t know if it is my Christianity that causes me to believe as I do, or my studies in psychology. Do you know? Doubt it. Also, it’s not a civil right until it is. I am always baffled about propagandists speaking of “rights” as if they are intrinsic absolute rights, my question is where do these “rights” come from?

“If Laurence still feels like it is an anti-theism blog, then I am sorry, but he obviously only want to put words in my mouth, and given that he does not understand transgender individuals, he probably will not be able to accept the role religion plays in the decisions that these parents made.”

One of your comments from a supporter of your cause, not mine or Christianity said this of your post: “But I highly doubt that change will come from the types of angry atheist rhetoric that I saw in the article as justified as it is… To reduce the trans struggle to just religion fails to acknowledge the full truth of this injustice and lived reality.” Why do you treat this commenter with more respect than I? Is it your bias perhaps? He gets a nice apology and I get the half assed sarcastic apology.

Also, how do you know I don’t understand transgendered individuals? You’ve heard what happens when you assume. You don’t have to keep presuming what I will accept or not. You can talk to me about it sir. I find that I see the same patterns here when I chat with Evangelicals. It states on my blog: “Bottom line is, don't think you know me or my views before you ask me about them or read about them.”

“But what can be deduced is that the counselors did not do an adequate job helping Leelah, because they refused to acknowledge her desire to transition, and did not talk about transgender issues she had concerns about.”

You have no guarantee that a non-Christian therapist would do the same or not. My point was an atheist can go to an atheist therapist and still commit suicide. Who do you blame then? You have no business determining what was or was not adequate as you are not a mental health professional yourself. If you know what was adequate then perhaps we can have all the referrals sent to your cell phone number so you can initiate a therapeutic relationship with them.

“Her parents also did not address her concerns and instead of seeking out the appropriate help, they dismissed and punished Leelah for her feelings. So they did not force her to kill herself, but they were major contributing factors that lead her to feel that she no longer had any love or any options left. “

I didn’t say they were not contributing factors, just as credit card policies and job stress can be huge contributors to adult suicides, but I was talking about placing a practical blame on them. Are you suggesting perhaps that therapists and parents can be put on trial for something like this? You have no guarantee that in the absence of the parental punishment or therapeutic interventions to your infallible specifications that the child would still be alive today.

“They simply locked her up, restricted her access to everything, and only allowed minimal social interaction.”

Not wise, but you can’t say Christians alone would do this. Secular parents are just as likely to punish as religious ones.

“Lastly, Laurence is wrong on many levels about transgender individuals. Laurence says, “If I want to be a eunuch then am I a eunuch?” Holy shit, Laurence! That is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard. First off a eunuch is someone who has been castrated- typically before puberty hits. This is NOT what Leelah was asking for.”

Okay, perhaps it was a bad parallel. But you miss the point. On what BASIS should we respect his wishes? If I want to be considered “asexual” or “agendered” which some do, does that alone make it so? You say in your writings “birth gender of male to her correct gender of female.” Correct gender? Says who? Science? You? You are selling philosophy, or a perspective on bio-psycho-social phenomena, not something you can prove exists in reality. You will perhaps demand this of me for my belief in God. However, my theological views are not on trial here, your blog post is. I am using a scientific standard which you demand of us for God. What does science have to say about gender, or does it say anything at all? Does the animal kingdom have animals needing of gender re-assignment?

“Laurence also tries to explain what Leelah went through as a mental illness. Leelah did not have a mental illness.”

I quoted from Psychology Today. The same description can be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. For your information that was not a Christian holy book.

“Leelah suffered from being born into the wrong gender, nothing else.”

Oh really? Who got that wrong? If not God, who? Ipse dixit, my friend. You are calling me un-educated? You don’t need to resort to insults towards my views Christopher. You can respond to them civilly and respectfully. You don’t have to of course. Depends on what you want the tone of your cause to sound like.

“She was depressed and may have suffered from depression but being transgendered is NOT A DISEASE OR A MENTAL ILLNESS!  People like Laurence need to be helped to understand the science behind transgender individuals.”

The DSM is a scientific book.

“To Laurence, thanks for your interest and response, but please go educate yourself and get rid of your biases that are holding you back.”

I spent enough years in psychology classes and probably read more textbooks, papers. And took more courses with professors in your ideological camp than you have. So, Christopher, it may bother you that in spite of all that I still don’t believe as you do, but that’s how it is. My Christianity has nothing to do with why I didn’t buy these PERSPECTIVES ON GENDER. Notice they didn’t call the class SCIENCES ON GENDER.

Thanks for the response Christopher. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Laurence Gonzaga

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