Saturday, December 24, 2016


In a recent conversation with an atheist, the topic of abortion came up. She affirmed what she believed to be a woman's "right to choose" during the entire 9 month period, however personally believes it is wrong for abortion after 24 weeks. She seemed to have a difficult time navigating through my logical critiques of her arbitrary positions on these matters. She believes it is wrong to abort at or after 24 weeks, and yet she states it's not up to her to tell a woman what to do with her body. I would submit to you that lots of things are being done to a body during abortion, the least is done to the woman's body, and all of it is being done to the unborn child's body.

Do I believe it is wrong to kill an adult person? Yes.
If asked, would I say the law should protect the adult person from being murdered? Yes.
Do I believe it is wrong to kill a pre-born person? Yes.
If asked, would I say the law should protect the pre-born person from being murdered? Yes.

My position is clear, and it is consistent.

Here is a short video of a board certified OBGyn testifying to Congress regarding the procedure of post 24 week abortions. The description given is graphic even if only verbal. Just use your imagination, and imagine a 24+ week baby's body being torn apart by surgical instruments. It's hard for me to imagine how one can be both a PETA type vegan vegetarian due to being against cruelty to animals, and be at the same time pro-choice. Abortion may be legal at this time, but it can never be a right. There is no right to kill an innocent baby.

Then again... there are in fact atheists who publicly stated that abortion is wrong or at least highly suspect... not the least of which is the great Christopher Hitchens.

Lastly, some great points from Ron Paul.