I decided to visit Reality Thumper because I met these gentlemen just a few weeks ago. I was going to a Starbucks in my old neighborhood after work to meet up with an old friend. After chatting for an hour or so we decided to head over next door for Chinese food. As we walked out I heard my name called out. I was approached by a tall muscular figure and I was not ready to die yet, but realized it was a familiar and most importantly friendly face. He was sitting with his buddy and so after introduction between the strangers I asked what they were up to. They said they were podcasting. On what topic I asked, "On atheism". Well, I said, "I've given talks on that subject recently". Of course I am not an atheist so some of the sarcastic remarks started being thrown. I know how these type of events begin and I know better. So I focused on my old friend. While my friend began to engage the more "lively" of the atheists, I exchanged numerous points of issue that were raised. I think that would have been a great podcast to offer the public, the unscripted and unprepared off the cuff debate between two men with diametrically opposed ideas. An hour went by with two debates going on side by side. I would say my exchange was a bit more Socratic and my counterpart's debate sounded to be more in the realm of philosophy and metaphysics. We exchanged well wishes and promised to get back in touch to discuss the issues. They sounded like they would want me to be part of a future podcast. Not so sure about that one. I know a planned gang-atheistic-rape when I see one.
Anyway, so here I am. I texted my friend on where I can find their site. He responded, apologized for it's freshman quality, but who cares? I wanted to hear the content. I listened to it and it was rather entertaining. I must say these guys have a good chemistry and would do well to have a radio broadcast. If I knew I was going to be creating a response website to atheistic presentations, I would have taken notes. I will make the following reactions, however:
- Questioning is great. I wish more religious folks would grow up knowing what the best arguments against their faith are so they aren't such pansies when they are challenged. Questioning in itself is not proof God does not exist. Faith is a gift, and maybe, just maybe, you're not predestined by God anyway!
- Religion is not about not letting people be who they are naturally. That's the point! If God is real, and Christianity is true, and Catholicism is the correct version of it, and her teaching is that a man and man or a woman and woman is not morally permissible, and is thus "un-natural", that is to say, not according to nature as God intended, then it should continue to teach it. I get it, on a human level it feels like we are taking away personal freedom. But again, what is freedom? It is not the absence of restraint, it is the presence of the ability to act according to what one ought to do.
- Granted, many Christians have a simple faith and so they don't necessarily have the desire or the capacity to gain the tools needed to be able to defend their belief. But, I would say that the reason why people can get sensitive when an atheist mocks or belittles the Christian is not necessity because their faith is so weak, but could be perhaps the total opposite. I will give the example of when someone is making fun of your family or someone else that you care about dearly. Do you just roll with the punches or do you just want to punch that guy in the cheek, turn it for him so you can then proceed to punch the other cheek (Biblical, check it)? No. God is my family, and excuse me if I get emotional or get offended. I for one, try not to let it get to me. If I were an atheist, I probably would be the asshole type too.
More responses to come.
May Almighty Dawkins Bless your Day!
Laurence Gonzaga
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