Christopher Tanner writes (to “Speck Of The Cosmos”):
I appreciate the comments. I have been a trans and lgbtq
Ally for probably 8 years now openly speaking out. I understand you want the
article to be written by a trans person and I have nothing against that either.
I also know many trans individuals in the movement and am personal friends with
them well.
But that doesn’t mean I should be quiet. It doesn’t mean
I should wait and let someone else write something. As allies we have to speak
up. We have to voice that we are disgusted with this treatment. We have to tell
people that they need to also stand up. Without the support of everyone a
minority group will get bullied. Would it be more powerful coming from a
transgender individual yes I think it would. But that doesn’t mean I should
keep quiet.
As for not harassing the parents I am split. I think they
are horrible people but I think their religion is worse. That is why I posed it
as either their religion has made them bad people or they are bad people. But
ultimately if we didn’t have religion we would not have this as big of an issue.
I still think it could be but not to the extent it is because of religion. I am
sorry but I think religion has done so few good things for society that I would
rather not have it at all.
But I am not reducing the trans struggle to just religion
because people are bigoted no matter what. But I can point out that the
struggle would be easier without religion especially if we accepted science for
what it was and instead of going to church on Sunday they spent 3 hours reading
about science. Knowledge is power.
Lastly if you don’t feel the need to give the girl a
proper burial that is fine. You don’t have to. I feel that it would send a
message to society no matter what that even if someone doesn’t accept their
child as trans that society will and society will start to instill this in
people since the parents have failed to do so.
Laurence responds:
“As for not harassing the parents I am split. I think
they are horrible people but I think their religion is worse. That is why I
posed it as either their religion has made them bad people or they are bad
They are bad people? I’m sorry, do you know what actually
happened or did you just go blog surfing? On what basis or standard do you call
them “bad”? If you are a father, and I think I heard on one of your programs
you are, aren’t you lucky the public doesn’t know your misdeeds and bad choices
as a parent. If I find a story of a teenager who commits suicide in an atheist,
agnostic, or this latest BS I’ve been reading about “apatheist” household, who
will you blame? The facts are what they are for this case, and they don’t need
your spin on the matter to suit your agenda. If you want to raise awareness for
your cause, so be it. But you’re sounding as “judgmental” as religionists are
portrayed as. If you were once one of those kinds of Christians, you may have
left the religion, but you kept the same vitriol.
“But ultimately if we didn’t have religion we would not
have this as big of an issue. I still think it could be but not to the extent
it is because of religion. I am sorry but I think religion has done so few good
things for society that I would rather not have it at all.”
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